Godness I'm hell happy for I'm no longer meeting my dearest Mr.Freedom!! *Jumping High* Around March or April i wouldn't update my post often, might be like a busy bee, forgive mii that I'm leaking out of update!! xoxo.. Remember a short shory in secondary called the road not taken, life is full of choices.. where to study, where to work, where to eat.. Make the right decision for no regret!! Cheers* Okey.. Come back Come back.. Where to eat?! Slow down our foot step in front of BBQ plaza plasma tv for the funny advertisement.. hahax.. and so get attracted into here for dinner =)
Mix them with their special sauce*
A must to have it all the time to accompany with you delicious meat~
Pork fats as cooking oil, argg i just don't like it!! got kind of weird smell!! argg~
Doesn't Tasted good as the previous visit, bowl of tasteless cold garlic rice *disappointed*
Mr.B want beef i wan pork and both want seafood!! so we got for these set, i guess is enough for both of us everything just right to fit into out poor belly~ SLurp!
A must for the greedy Mr.B and Mrs.B to order side dish~ aww the potato fully wrapped with the shrimp!! simple but its just delicious! yammm~
Not Enough still? Go for another side dish then~ All time lover Gyoza!! this turn mii down, waited for 45mins and kept telling us Coming Coming.. hell them but while served its COLD!! Pissing off!!
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Sunway Pyramid Shopping Center
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